"Immersion", the interactive exhibition
From Saturday 18 July, Musée océanographique de Monaco
Dive on the Great Barrier Reef at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, and meet its most emblematic species!
From Friday 19 February to Sunday 3 October 2021, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - Villa Paloma
From 19 February to 3 October 2021, NMNM presents "The 165-Metre Mermaid and Other Stories" by the Japanese artist Shimabuku, at the VIlla Paloma.
From Thursday 1 April to Sunday 26 September 2021, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - Villa Sauber
"Marginalia; Inside the Comics Art Collections" at the NMNM – Villa Sauber from 1 April to 5 September 2021
Fort Antoine Theatre
From Tuesday 29 June to Friday 6 August 2021, Fort Antoine Theatre
51st edition of the Fort Antoine Theatre festival, organised by the Department of Cultural Affairs. Exhibitions, lectures, screenings, concerns and theatrical p...
Histoire du cinéma à Monaco
From Thursday 1 July to Thursday 30 September 2021, Institut Audiovisuel de Monaco
Guided tour of the cabinet of curiosities and freize "History of Cinema in Monaco". Discover the eclectic archives collected by the Institute and the history of...
Audiovisual and Cinematographic Archives of Monaco
From Thursday 1 July to Thursday 30 September 2021, (Monday to Friday) from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm. Institut Audiovisuel de Monaco
With a cabinet of curiosities and a "Monaco in the movies" freize, this exhibition explores the diverse archives collected by the Institute, and the history of ...
Alberto Giacometti Exhibition - A Retrospective
From Saturday 3 July to Sunday 29 August 2021, from 10 am to 8 pm, evenings on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 10 pm, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
The Grimaldi Forum's big summer exhibition is almost here!
Exhibition of Jewellery by Artists, from Calder to Koons
From Sunday 11 July to Sunday 29 August 2021, from 10 AM to 8 PM, Grimaldi Forum Monaco - Espace Indigo
From the love of an artist to the love of art, this collection is a tribute to creation, brought to us by Diane Venet with modesty and talent.