Manifestazioni a Monaco

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Exhibition - "Polar Mission"

Da sabato 4 giugno 2022 a martedì 31 dicembre 2024, Museo oceanografico di Monaco

Saggiate un'esperienza interattiva e immersiva! Calatevi nei panni di un reporter e andate in missione nel cuore dei mondi polari! Cinque aree tematiche, dislocate su due livelli, scandiscono questo nuovo percorso della visita. Dalla scoperta dei poli alla vita selvaggia che ospitano, passando per le persone che li abitano e li esplorano. Oggetti e documenti, contenuti digitali e dispositivi immersivi si combinano e si completano a vicenda per un'esperienza a 360°. Il grande viaggio può iniziare!

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Spettacolo - "Maxime Gasteuil - Retour aux Sources"

Sabato 13 aprile 2024, alle 20.30, Espace Léo Ferré

Dal suo primo spettacolo in cui si arrabbiava per la mancanza di buon senso di quest'epoca, Maxime Gasteuil ha fatto di tutto per calmarsi: yoga, cene con gli amici, viaggi a Tulum... Ma è stato quando ha lasciato Parigi ed è tornato nella casa dei suoi genitori a St-Emilion che ha finalmente capito il perché... Non si calmerà mai. Un vero ritorno alle fonti!

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Ligue 1 Uber Eats - "AS Monaco - Stade Rennais FC"

Domenica 7 aprile 2024 alle 17:05 - Stade Louis II

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Concerto in scena : Malkovich - Bartoli - La voce del loro maestro

Domenica 7 aprile 2024 alle 19:00 - Salle Garnier de l'Opéra de Monte-Carlo

Concerto in scena Direttore d'orchestra Gianluca Capuano Sceneggiatura, testo e regia Michael Sturminger

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Betclic Elite Basketball - "AS Monaco - Nancy"

Sabato 6 aprile 2024 alle 20:00 - Salle Gaston Médecin

Campionato di Francia di pallacanestro, Betclic Élite : AS Monaco Roca Team - Nancy

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Betclic Elite Basketball - "AS Monaco - Le Portel"

Sabato 20 aprile 2024 alle 20:00 - Salle Gaston Médecin

Campionato di Francia di pallacanestro, Betclic Élite : AS Monaco Roca Team - Le Portel

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Betclic Elite Basketball - "AS Monaco - Limoges"

Martedì 30 aprile 2024 alle 20:00 - Salle Gaston Médecin

Campionato di Francia di pallacanestro, Betclic Élite : AS Monaco Roca Team - Limoges

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Da lunedì 1 gennaio a sabato 6 aprile 2024, Fino a 18:30 - Eglise Saint-Nicolas

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Lunedì 29 aprile 2024 dalle 19:00 a 22:30 - Agora - Maison Diocésaine

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Teatro - "Changer l'eau des fleurs - Valérie Perrin"

Martedì 2 aprile 2024 alle 20, Théâtre Princesse Grace

Violette Toussaint è la custode di un piccolo cimitero in Borgogna. La sua routine quotidiana è scandita dal lavoro e dalle confidenze dei passanti e dei visitatori abituali. Un giorno si presenta un uomo che non riesce a capire perché sua madre voglia essere sepolta con un estraneo. Questo incontro sconvolgerà le loro vite. Salomé Lelouch e Mikaël Chirinian hanno messo mano al romanzo e lo hanno trasformato in un'emozionante adattamento teatrale che è un vero e proprio inno alla vita!

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Tutta l'arte del cinema - "Mon XXe siècle"

Martedì 2 aprile 2024 alle 20, Théâtre des Variétés

Les Mardis du Cinéma - Mon XXe siècle, Ildikó Enyedi (1989). Scritto e diretto sulla falsariga di una favola di Natale, rimescolando carte e tempo, questo lavoro è un miracolo di invenzione, umorismo e insolenza.

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Turkish Airlines EuroLeague - "AS Monaco - Zalgiris Kaunas"

Giovedì 4 aprile 2024, Salle Gaston Médecin

Turkish Airlines EuroLeague di Basket: AS Monaco Roca Team - Zalgiris Kaunas

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Conferenza - "La solidarietà"

Giovedì 4 aprile 2024 alle 19, Théâtre Princesse Grace

Les Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco propongono una nuova stagione di conferenze al Théâtre Princesse Grace. Anche quest'anno, ospiteranno una serie di pensatori francesi e stranieri, figure di spicco della filosofia, autori e artisti creativi...

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Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters

Da sabato 6 a domenica 14 aprile 2024, Monte-Carlo Country Club

ATP Masters 1000 Monte-Carlo 2024, il Principato ospita uno dei più antichi e prestigiosi tornei su terra battuta del mondo, il Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters, al Monte-Carlo Country Club.

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Printemps des Arts - Concerto sinfonico

Sabato 6 aprile 2024, ore 20, Auditorium Rainier III

"Concerto sinfonico - Printemps des Arts". Direzione : Kazuki Yamada, contralto : Marie-Nicole Lemieux, tenore : Pene Pati, violino : David Lefèvre. In programma : STEPHAN, MAHLER.

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Teatro - "Lorsque l'enfant paraît - André Roussin"

Martedì 9 aprile 2024 alle 20, Théâtre Princesse Grace

Dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, la vita ordinata di Charles Jacquet, sottosegretario di Stato alla Famiglia e all'Educazione Nazionale, che è riuscito a chiudere le case di tolleranza e ad inasprire le pene per i reati di aborto, viene sconvolta quando apprende, nello stesso giorno, che la moglie aspetta un figlio e che il figlio ha messo incinta la segretaria! Questo è solo l'inizio di una serie di eventi imprevisti che faranno perdere l'appiglio a questa famiglia borghese.

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Tutta l'arte del Cinema - "La Clepsydre"

Martedì 9 aprile 2024 alle 20, Théâtre des Variétés

Les Mardis du Cinéma - La Clepsydre, Wojciech J. Has (1973).Barocco ed enigmatico, questo "viaggio interiore", dove fantasie e ossessioni si avvicendano, si impossessa di voi e vi cattura come i migliori film di Fellini.

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OPMC - Concerto per il giovane pubblico -" Ondina e la sirenetta"

Mercoledì 10 avril 2024 alle 15, Auditorium Rainier III

Stagione 23/24 dell'Orchestra Filarmonica di Monte-Carlo, sotto la presidenza di S.A.R. la Principessa di Hannover - "Concerto sinfonico - Ondina e la Sirenetta". Diretto da Christophe Mangou, libretto, regia e narrazione di Julie Martigny, arrangiamento musicale di Julien Le Hérissier, luci di Tristan Mouget. Concerto consigliato a un pubblico giovane a partire dai 7 anni.

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Teatro - "Zorro, un eremita sul marciapiede"

Sabato 13 aprile 2024 alle 20, Théâtre Princesse Grace

SPETTACOLO IN ITALIANO. Un vagabondo ripercorre la storia della sua vita e delle scelte che lo hanno portato in strada, riflettendo sul senso dell'esistenza. Un uomo ai margini della società, capace di vedere la realtà osservando la vita delle persone "normali". Un uomo che è anche in grado di riscoprire il bello della vita, la complessità e l'imprevedibilità del destino, attraverso una sorta di filosofia gioiosa e infallibile. Questo spettacolo tragicomico segna il ritorno dell'attore, scrittore e regista Sergio Castellito.

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OPMC - "Concerto sinfonico"

Domenica 14 aprile 2024 alle 18, Auditorium Rainier III

Stagione 23/24 dell'Orchestra Filarmonica di Monte-Carlo, sotto la presidenza di S.A.R. la Principessa di Hannover - "Concerto sinfonico". Direttore: Tarmo Peltokoski, soprano: Chen Reiss. In programma: BERG, MAHLER.

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OPMC - "Happy Hour Musicale"

Martedì 16 aprile 2024 alle 18.30, Maison de France

Saison 23/24 de l'Orchestre Philarmonique de Monte-Carlo, Sous La Présidence de S.A.R. La Princesse de Hanovre - "Happy Hour Musical". Quatuor Monoïkos - violons : Nicole Curau & Adela Urcan, alto : Thomas Bouzy, violoncelle : Caroline Roeland. Au programme : DEBUSSY, LEKEU. Stagione 23/24 dell'Orchestra Filarmonica di Monte-Carlo, sotto la presidenza di S.A.R. la Principessa di Hannover - "Happy Hour Musicale". Quartetto Monoïkos - violini: Nicole Curau & Adela Urcan, viola: Thomas Bouzy, violoncello: Caroline Roeland. In programma: DEBUSSY, LEKEU.

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Teatro - "Racine par la racine"

Martedì 16 aprile 2024 alle 20, Théâtre Princesse Grace

Le undici tragedie di Jean Racine come non le avete mai viste prima! Dalle celebri Berenice, Fedra, Andromaca e Britannico alle meno conosciute Bajazet e Mitridate, tutte rivedute e corrette attraverso la commedia, Racine par la Racine offre un viaggio esilarante attraverso l'opera del grande drammaturgo. Una troupe di quattro attori ci accompagna in un tour vorticoso che mescola elementi biografici, frammenti di prefazioni, estratti autentici e pastiche di opere teatrali.

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Tutta l'arte del Cinema - "La Moglie del Fornaio"

Martedì 16 aprile 2024 alle 20, Théâtre des Variétés

Serata in omaggio a Marcel Pagnol - La Moglie del Fornaio, Marcel Pagnol (1938). Non loderemo mai abbastanza la qualità della recitazione e l'eterna giovinezza dei film di Marcel Pagnol.

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Teatro - "Le jour du kiwi - Laetitia Colombani"

Sabato 20 aprile 2024 alle 20, Grimaldi Forum Monaco

Barnabé Leroux è un pensionato maniacale, ossessivo e soprattutto procedurale. Dalla morte della moglie conduce una vita solitaria e vede di rado Benoît, il suo unico figlio. Odia i suoi vicini e l'unico vero contatto con il mondo esterno è una visita settimanale dal suo psicanalista. Nulla è lasciato al caso nella sua vita, fino al giorno in cui scopre che manca uno yogurt dal suo frigorifero... Barnabé è sicuro che lo yogurt fosse ancora lì il giorno prima! E se un semplice yogurt potesse cambiare il corso di una vita?

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Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo - "TO THE POINT(E)"

Da mercoledì 24 a sabato 27 alle 19.30 e domenica 28 aprile 2024 alle 15, Grimaldi Forum Monaco

Stagione 2023/2024 - La Compagnie - TO THE POINT(E), Wheeldon - Maillot - Eyal. Una serata sulle punte come nessun'altra: "To the Point(e)". Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo eseguiranno tre lavori che sfruttano il potenziale di questi ballerini di formazione accademica, pur mantenendo un occhio di riguardo per la modernità. Nella stessa serata si potranno vedere Within the Golden Hour di Christopher Wheeldon, Vers un Pays Sage di Jean-Christophe Maillot e Autodance di Sharon Eyal.

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FIA Formula E Championship - Monaco E-Prix 2024

Sabato 27 aprile 2024, Principato di Monaco

7° Monaco E-Prix, organizzato dall'Automobile Club di Monaco. Il Monaco E-Prix 2024 si svolge nell'arco di un'intera giornata. Con sessioni di prove libere, qualifiche, una gara e dimostrazioni in pista, vi aspetta un programma ricco e vario!

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OPMC - "Recital"

Domenica 28 aprile 2024 alle 18, Auditorium Rainier III

Stagione 23/24 dell'Orchestra Filarmonica di Monte-Carlo, sotto la presidenza di S.A.R. la Principessa di Hannover - "Recital". Violino: Sergey Khachatryan, pianoforte: Alexandre Kantorow. Programma: BABADJANIAN, DEBUSSY, FRANCK, MOZART.

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Teatro - "Une idée géniale - Sébastien Castro"

Domenica 28 aprile 2024 alle 20, Théâtre Princesse Grace

Arnaud ama Marion. Ma da quando hanno visitato un appartamento per andare a vivere insieme, ha un piccolo dubbio: Marion si è innamorata dell'agente immobiliare? Per puro caso, incontra il sosia dell'agente e gli chiede di fingere di essere l'agente immobiliare. Un'idea geniale! A meno che il finto agente immobiliare non si trovi faccia a faccia con quello vero... E un fratello gemello si presenta inaspettatamente. Tre sosia in un'unica sera sono davvero troppo per Arnaud!

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Pier Paolo Calzolari « Casa ideale »

Da venerdì 17 novembre 2023 a domenica 7 aprile 2024, dalle 10:00 a 18:00 - Nuovo Museo Nazionale di Monaco – Villa Paloma

Pier Paolo Calzolari è noto per l'originalità formale della sua pratica poliedrica (pittura e scultura, ma anche performance che considera "atti di passione"), che ha spesso fatto uso di materiali organici come foglie di tabacco, fuoco e gelo per creare "opere-installazioni" che sfidano i limiti dell'arte contemporanea.

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Mostra - "Il Principe e il Mediterraneo"

Dal 6 dicembre 2023, Museo Oceanografico di Monaco

In occasione delle celebrazioni per il centenario del Principe Ranieri III (1923-2023), il Museo Oceanografico presenta la nuova mostra permanente dal titolo "Il Principe e il Mediterraneo". Attraverso questa mostra, l'Istituto Oceanografico rende omaggio al legame indefesso che univa il Principe Ranieri III all'Oceano, e in particolare al Mediterraneo. I visitatori sono invitati a salire a bordo della sua barca Deo Juvante II. Guidati dalla voce di S.A.S. la Principessa Stéphanie, si muoveranno attraverso quattro spazi esplorativi e intimi, scoprendo una dopo l'altra le diverse sfaccettature di questo Principe appassionato del Mare Nostrum.

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Da lunedì 18 settembre 2023 a lunedì 17 giugno 2024 - Agora - Maison Diocésaine

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Mercoledì 3 aprile 2024 - Eglise Saint-Nicolas

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Evento - "Superyacht Chef Competition"

Jeudi 4 avril 2024, Yacht Club de Monaco

Gli chef dei superpanfili di oltre 40 metri si incontreranno per la Superyacht Chef Competition, presieduta dallo chef Yannick Alléno, tre stelle della Guida Michelin, affiancato da specialisti della gastronomia e sotto la supervisione dello chef Joël Garault, presidente di Goûts et Saveurs. Questa competizione culinaria mira a mettere in risalto la gastronomia in mare, un altro aspetto dell'industria nautica. I concorrenti devono preparare il piatto migliore con l'aiuto di un cestino misterioso e tenendo conto di un criterio anti-spreco.

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Le Printemps des Arts - "Karol Mossakowski"

Giovedì 4 aprile 2024 alle 20, Eglise du Sacré-Cœur

L'organista (e improvvisatore) Karol Mossakowski propone un recital aperto alla luce del mondo.Dal sognante Clair de lune di Louis Vierne alle abbaglianti Litanie di Jehan Alain, l'illuminazione cambia ma i colori sono sempre strabilianti.

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Le Printemps des Arts - "Varduhi Yeritsyan"

Friday 5 April 2024, at 8 pm, Musée Océanographique de Monaco

In a recital entirely devoted to the music of Robert Schumann, Varduhi Yeritsyan explores the composer's unique, fragmented, dreamy, colourful poetry, from his first works to the chiaroscuro style of his Waldszenen (Forest Scenes).

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Le Printemps des Arts - "Quatuor Parisii"

Sabato 6 aprile 2024 alle 18, Museo Oceanografico di Monaco

Il Quatuor Parisii riunisce due dei padri fondatori del quartetto d'archi, Joseph Haydn (Quartetto Sunrise) e Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Quartetto Les Dissonances). E aggiunge la modernità di Francisco Alvarado (Konsonanzenquartett) per far loro eco.

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Le Printemps des Arts - "CONCERT-PROMENADE"

Dimanche 7 avril 2024, à 11h, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - Villa Paloma

Déambulez au sein du Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, au milieu de l’exposition « Pier Paolo Calzolari – Casa ideale », et découvrez comment trois compositeurs d’aujourd’hui s’inspirent de l’Arte povera et font dialoguer la clarinette, l’accordéon et le violoncelle avec les œuvres de Pier Paolo Calzolari.

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Le Printemps des Arts - "Requiem des Batailles - Ensemble Clément Janequin & Les Sacqueboutiers"

Domenica 7 aprile 2024 alle 16, Cattedrale di Monaco

L'Ensemble Clément Janequin e Les Sacqueboutiers propongono una Messe des Batailles ricomposta da celebri frammenti del XV e XVI secolo, dai toni bellicosi. Nella prima parte, il Requiem particolarmente cupo di Pierre de La Rue chiude il cerchio iniziato con il Requiem di Ockeghem nel concerto di apertura.

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Tribute - "Monaco celebrates Marcel Pagnol"

Tuesday 16 April 2024, at 11 am, Square Marcel Pagnol

Alongside the various events held in France and particularly in Provence, H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince called for a special day to celebrate the eminent man of letters, and bring his works to a contemporary audience. With the agreement of the Pagnol family, this special event will take place 48 hours before the anniversary of the writer's death on 18 April 1974. At 11 am, Prince Albert II will pay a public tribute at a ceremony attended by pupils from local schools, before the stele on Square Marcel Pagnol in the Trocadéro Gardens.

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Round Table - "Pagnol the Monégasque"

Tuesday 16 April 2024, at 3 pm, Théâtre des Variétés

A round table at the Théâtre des Variétés, organised by the Palace Archives and the Audiovisual Institute, on the theme "Pagnol the Monégasque". The panellists will talk to the writer's grandson, Nicolas Pagnol, present previously unseen archive documents, recordings, and personal accounts, while there will be readings and performances of theatrical scenes by the actors of the Studio de Monaco.

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Sport - "33rd Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles du Maroc"

Saturday 13 April 2024, from 10 am to 2:30 pm, Chapiteau de Fontvielle

The 33rd Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles du Maroc, a unique human adventure that brings together 400 women aged from 18 to 71 from diverse backgrounds, will begin in the Principality. The race will be officially started by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, and big crowds are expected to see off the competitors at the prestigious and festive event. This year, two Monegasque civil servants, Céline Cottalorda and Sylvie Bertrand, will be lining up with the rest of the field under the colours of the "Suricates de Monac'" with the maxim: "See, Alert, Act". The pair will be driving across the Moroccan desert to raise funds for the Panzi foundation, recently created to support one chosen cause every year through organisations "working to help vulnerable people".

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Concert - "Thursday Live Session - Gliz"

Thursday 4 April 2024, at 8.30 pm, Grimaldi Forum Monaco

Gliz are a trio from the Jura region of France, who daringly play rock music with neither guitar nor bass, but instead a banjo and tuba. They released their debut album Cydalima in 2019, and followed it up with MASS. In between, there just happened to be a pandemic, which Gliz saw as an opportunity to take some time out and work on their second opus. Florent, Julien, and Thomas wrote thirty or so songs, eventually selecting just ten for the album.

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Exhibition - "Padel Best Expo"

From Sunday 7 to Tuesday 9 April 2024, 10 am to 8 pm, Grimaldi Forum Monaco

Padel Best Expo is an international event held in Monte-Carlo that brings together everything and everyone connected with padel. Not just a B2B event, Padel Best Expo also offers an immersive experience open to the general public and sports fans. The second edition of the Five Padel Cup will also take place during the three days, while visitors can look forward to a packed programme of talks, discussions, digital spaces, padel play areas, entertainments, and social events. So what are you waiting for? Get on board and explore the world of padel!

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Martedì 2 aprile 2024 dalle 09:30 a 11:30 - La Chiesa di Saint-Charles

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Concert "POUCE LA VIE #6"

Martedì 23 aprile 2024 alle 20:00 - Auditorium Rainier III

Concert événement au profit de la Fondation Flavien

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Lecture - "Is English just another Francophone language?"

Monday 8 April 2024, at 6.30 pm, Théâtre des Variétés

The next lecture organised by the Comité d'Entraide des Français de Monaco, entitled "Is English just another Francophone language?" will be given by Anthony Lacoudre, an international law expert.

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Event - "The Niwaki Monaco Gourmet Wine Cocktail"

Wednesday 17 April 2024, from 6 pm to 8 pm, The Niwaki

The Niwaki Monaco Gourmet Wine Cocktail

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Kamil Art Gallery : "Silhouettes Unveiled" by Kenneth Blom

Da giovedì 11 a lunedì 22 aprile 2024 - Kamil Art Gallery

Kamil Art Gallery in collaboration with Galerie Birch presents "Silhouettes Unveiled" by Kenneth Blom

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Da venerdì 12 a domenica 14 aprile 2024, dalle 09:00 a 17:00 - Agora - Maison Diocésaine

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Giovedì 4 aprile 2024 dalle 12:15 a 14:30 - Agora - Maison Diocésaine

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Œuvre de Soeur Marie Charity Fete

Friday 5 and Saturday 6 April 2024, Chapiteau de Fontvielle

Charity fete organised by the Œuvre de Soeur Marie association in aid of the elderly, with numerous stalls selling antiques, toys, clothing, and books. There will also be a bar, buffet, and cakes, plus international stalls serving mouth-watering delicacies from around the world. Under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and the Honorary Presidency of H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover.

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Exhibition - "Whispers of the wildlife"

From Saturday 30 March to Sunday 7 April 2024, from 1 PM to 8 PM, Comité National Monégasque A.I.A.P - U.N.E.S.C.O.

My childhood, marked by the absence of photos, nurtured my love for photography. Initially drawn to street photography, my encounter with wildlife in South Africa during the Covid pandemic in 2021 changed my perspective. Moved by the beauty and vulnerability of wild animals, I decided to dedicate a significant portion of my time to documenting them. In August 2023, my first exhibition in Nice was a success, reinforcing my belief in the power of photography for change. I am now committed to raising awareness through my images.

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Conférence - "Outils de pierre et identité culturelle des populations préhistoriques"

Martedì 2 aprile 2024 alle 18:00 - Museo di Antropologia preistorica

Conférence de Bernard Gassin Chercheur bénévole CEPAM

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Conférence - "Les Corses et l'Opéra"

Venerdì 12 aprile 2024 alle 18:00 - La Maison de France

Conférence d'Emmanuelle Mariini

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Philosophy Workshop - "What is maternal love?"

Wednesday 3 April 2024, at 5.30 pm, Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace

Maternal love is the love at the source of all human life. It is the oldest relationship in the world, one that nourishes and sustains every new addition to the human race - quite literally. Without the care and nourishment provided by an infant's mother or the person whose role it is to look after it, the child will be unable to grow and develop harmoniously. But where exactly does that original love come from? Is it purely instinctive? Workshop organised by Les Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco.

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Lecture - "Solidarity"

Thursday 4 April 2024, from 7 pm to 9 pm, Théâtre Princesse Grace

Like its brother liberty, "fraternity" is more a principle to be invoked than a word with a strict meaning – aside from that of belonging to the same biological family. The word has imprinted itself on our vocabulary, coming to signify a moral standard, but in doing so it has swallowed up another, equally worthy term: sorority. Strictly speaking, fraternity has escaped the sphere of politics and no authority can lay claim to it. Fraternity cannot be created by any "measure", cannot be shaped by any law, cannot be decreed. Organised by Les Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco.

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Monte-Carlo Fashion Week

Da lunedì 22 a venerdì 26 aprile 2024 - Principauté de Monaco

La Monte-Carlo Fashion Week (MCFW), l'evento moda ufficiale del Principato di Monaco.

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Theatre - "Alice in Wonderland"

Wednesday 3 April 2024, at 4.30 pm, Théâtre des Muses

A Scottish rabbit in a big hurry has an appointment with the capricious Queen of Hearts... So begins Alice's wonderful dream! This tender and funny adaptation of Lewis Carroll's famous tale blends theatre, masks, Chinese shadow puppetry, traditional puppets and songs, making it a marvellous opportunity for younger children to experience the eccentric and poetic world of the beloved author, whose works have been a source of delight for generations.

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Theatre - "Grains de sel"

Thursday 4, Friday 5, Saturday 6 April at 8 pm, and Sunday 7 April at 4.30 pm, Théâtre des Muses

Families dinners sometimes throw up unexpected surprises. You might be hoping for a little peace and quiet with your loved ones, but like a grain of sand, one ill-chosen word can light the blue touch paper and a verbal joust ensues. Is honest always the best policy, especially when it comes to those closest to us? If this play is to be believed, the answer is yes. Tonight though, one way or another it's all going to come out, and we're in for a treat.

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Theatre - "Alice in Wonderland"

Saturday 6 at 2.30 pm and 4 pm, and Sunday 7 April at 11 am, Théâtre des Muses

A Scottish rabbit in a big hurry has an appointment with the capricious Queen of Hearts... So begins Alice's wonderful dream! This tender and funny adaptation of Lewis Carroll's famous tale blends theatre, masks, Chinese shadow puppetry, traditional puppets and songs, making it a marvellous opportunity for younger children to experience the eccentric and poetic world of the beloved author, whose works have been a source of delight for generations.

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Theatre - "Prof Turing"

Thursday 11 and Friday 12 April at 8 pm, Saturday 13 April at 6.30 pm, and Sunday 14 April at 5 pm, Théâtre des Muses

Alan Turing, the new maths professor, introduces himself with a question. "Do you know who defeated Adolf Hitler? No, it was not the Allies. It was mathematicians!" And so begins the thrilling tale of how Turing and his team succeeded in breaking the Nazis' top-secret Enigma code by building the world's first computer. In attempting to explain his research to his students, including artificial intelligence, through the Turing Test to distinguish machine from human, the new professor will show them that it is easier to break a code than a prejudice.

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Theatre - "La fée des chaussettes et le musicien"

Saturday 13 April at 2.30 pm and 4.30 pm, Sunday 14 April 2024 at 11 am, Théâtre des Muses

In this third adventure, the unforgettable Sock Fairy talks all about the "mini" upheavals that teens experience, with a winning blend of humour, fun and music. The socks are rebelling. They won't listen, and flatly refuse to follow the rules. Accompanied by Jazz the musician, our lovable fairy will need to use all her educative powers to bring them into line.

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Theatre - "La fée des chaussettes et le musicien"

Wednesday 17 April 2024, at 3 pm and 4.30 pm, Théâtre des Muses

In this third adventure, the unforgettable Sock Fairy talks all about the "mini" upheavals that teens experience, with a winning blend of humour, fun and music. The socks are rebelling. They won't listen, and flatly refuse to follow the rules. Accompanied by Jazz the musician, our lovable fairy will need to use all her educative powers to bring them into line.

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Theatre - "Saudade ici et là-bas"

Thursday 18, Friday 19, Saturday 20 April at 8 pm, and Sunday 21 April at 4.30 pm, Théâtre des Muses

"Saudade" is a Portugese word for a complex feeling of melancholy, nostalgia, and hope. A sense of "being present in the past, or past in the present". Idalio, his sister Joana and their nephew Manu return to the old house, fling open the doors and windows, and a whole stream of history emerges. How can they stay true to it? How can they pass it on? Do they need it? Or want it? How does one come to terms with an ideal that one has always striven for, but can never be achieved?

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Premier Petit Déjeuner Conférence de l'année 2024 !

Martedì 2 aprile 2024 dalle 08:15 a 09:15 - Le Méridien Beach Plaza

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Martedì 2 aprile 2024 dalle 19:00 a 20:30 - Agora - Maison Diocésaine

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Exhibition - "The Image Beyond The Pixel"

From Friday 15 March to Saturday 1 June 2024, Médiathèque de Monaco - Bibliothèque Louis Notari

For this third "Renc’art" event during Video Game Month, the Library is paying tribute to the work of Jean Jacques Calbayrac, alias Game Boy Cameraman, with a collection of his photographs from the archives giving visitors the chance to see his series about Monaco, the city of his birth.

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Exhibition - "The Ice Giants"

From Wednesday 10 April to Sunday 6 October 2024, Musée Océanographique de Monaco

Polar bears and emperor penguins are the lead characters in "The Ice Giants", a new exhibition by Michel Bassompierre. Seven monumental works will be installed in the Oceanographic Museum and on its roof terrace. Five will be new creations: four polar bears and a three-metre tall emperor penguin. Original drawings and sketches will also be displayed, accompanied by a film presenting the artist's work. This temporary exhibition is part of the Polar Mission organised by the Oceanographic Institute since 2022.

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Lecture - "Eco-Blabla"

Thursday 11 April 2024, at 12.15 pm, Médiathèque de Monaco - Bibliothèque Louis Notari

An afternoon of discussion and debate around our collections, on the themes of ecology, the environment, biodiversity, and solidarity.

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Giovedì 18 aprile 2024 dalle 12:15 a 14:30 - Agora - Maison Diocésaine

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Gastronomy - "Easter brunch"

Monday 1st April 2024, from 12 PM to 3 PM, Hotel Columbus Monte-Carlo

Join us at Tavolo for a special brunch to celebrate Easter Monday. An Easter egg by 'Queen of Brownies' will be hidden within the premises - should you find it, brunch will be on us! 75€ per adult, mineral water and coffee included - 30€ per child (under 12 years old) Free parking – Car valet service.

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Gastronomy - "Amazonico comes to Monaco"

Friday 5 April 2024, at 7 pm, Amazónico Monte-Carlo

On the iconic Place du Casino, Amazónico Monte-Carlo is an invitation to embark on a journey of the senses through the Amazon rainforest. Opened by Sandro Silva and Marta Seco in Madrid in 2010, followed later by London and Dubai, Amazónico Monte-Carlo is the latest interpretation of the hugely successful concept in the heart of Monaco's most glamorous district. The unique, Amazon-inspired blend of restaurant, bar and lounge opens in the Principality on 5 April 2024.

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Exhibition - "Pasolini in Chiaroscuro"

From Friday 29 March to Sunday 29 September 2024, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - Villa Sauber

The new exhibition at the Villa Sauber honours Pier Paolo Pasolini, perhaps the last European intellectual to have gained worldwide renown. A half-century on from his death, his influence can still be felt across the different fields in which he worked: he is read, commented on, adapted, and inspires contemporary creative artists. While he preferred to describe himself as a writer, it was his films that brought him to the public’s attention. The exhibition looks at his inspirations and his legacy.

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Giovedì 4 aprile 2024 dalle 19:00 a 22:30 - Agora - Maison Diocésaine

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Charity - "Bag for Life Collection"

Friday 12 and Saturday 13 April 2024, Centre Commercial de Fontvieille

Local charity Les Semeurs d'Espoir Monaco is organising a big food collection at Carrefour Monaco, with the aim of distributing 1,500 "bags for life" to those most in need in Nice and Menton over the next six months.

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Event - "150th Anniversary of the Hôtel de Paris Cellars"

From Monday 1 April to Thursday 31 October 2024, Monte-Carlo SBM Resort

This year, Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer is celebrating the 150th annivesary of the famous Cellars at the Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo! Opened in 1874, they are a monument to the company's long and illustrious history, in which they have often played an important role. These hidden jewels beneath the very foundations of the Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo are the quintessence of refinement and exclusiveness. To mark the occasion, the world's biggest hotel cellars will be opening their doors for a unique celebration, with fascinating tours, exclusive dinners, exceptional tasting sessions, and much more. Discover one of Monaco's most priceless secret treasures and experience the celebrations!

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Hommage à Marcel Pagnol : « Tu me fends le cœur »

Da venerdì 19 a sabato 20 aprile 2024, Da 20:30 - Théâtre des Variétés

Le Studio de Monaco jouera une création originale de Bernard VANONY intitulée « Tu me fends le cœur » en hommage à Marcel Pagnol, les vendredi 19 et samedi 20 avril 2024 à 20h30 au Théâtre des Variétés.

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Exhibition - "The Early Days of Télé Monte-Carlo, 1954-1974​"

From Monday 25 March 2024 to Friday 31 January 2025, from 10 am to 5.30 pm (5 pm on Fridays), Institut Audiovisuel de Monaco

The Cabinet of Curiosities - "The Early Days of Télé Monte-Carlo, 1954-1974​" - An exhibition looking at the first 20 years of Monaco's TV channel launched in 1954. A selection of archives and objects will take you back in time, to the very earliest days of colour television. Organised by the Audiovisual Institute of Monaco, the exhibition features items entrusted by Télé Monte-Carlo for safekeeping, documents from partner institutions, and materials kindly loaned by private individuals.

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Concert - "Pouce La Vie #6 - Flavien Foundation Concert"

Tuesday 23 April 2024, at 8 pm, Auditorium Rainier III

To mark its tenth anniversary, the Flavien Foundation presents "Pouce La Vie", an evening dedicated to music from the movies. The Foundation's patron, Yvan Cassar, accompanied by the Call Me Winston orchestra, has invited special guests Greg Zlap (harmonica), Julie Sevilla Fraysse (cello) and Joel Chausse (trumpet). And the Call Me Winston orchestra will also be welcoming guest vocalists Kayla Locane & Mr Paulkhan. This charity evening will be hosted by Yann-Antony Noghès, and all of the proceeds will be donated to the Flavien Foundation.

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Beauty - "Make-up Master Class"

Thursday 11 April 2024, from 6 PM to 7:30 PM, Le Spa Métropole by Givenchy

Renowned makeup artist in Monaco, offering Make-up Master Classes every Thursday at Spa Métropole by Givenchy. Classes run for an hour and a half in a luxurious setting, featuring professional technique demonstrations, personalized advice, and complimentary detox drinks, coffee, tea, and pastries by Métropole’s pastry chefs.

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Beauty - "Make-up Master Class"

Thursday 18 April 2024, from 6 PM to 7:30 PM, Le Spa Métropole by Givenchy

Renowned makeup artist in Monaco, offering Make-up Master Classes every Thursday at Spa Métropole by Givenchy. Classes run for an hour and a half in a luxurious setting, featuring professional technique demonstrations, personalized advice, and complimentary detox drinks, coffee, tea, and pastries by Métropole’s pastry chefs.

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Beauty - "Make-up Master Class"

Thursday 25 April 2024, from 6 PM to 7:30 PM, Le Spa Métropole by Givenchy

Renowned makeup artist in Monaco, offering Make-up Master Classes every Thursday at Spa Métropole by Givenchy. Classes run for an hour and a half in a luxurious setting, featuring professional technique demonstrations, personalized advice, and complimentary detox drinks, coffee, tea, and pastries by Métropole’s pastry chefs.

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Exhibition - "Body and Soul"

From Saturday 13 to Saturday 20 April 2024, from 3 pm to 7 pm, Comité National Monégasque A.I.A.P - U.N.E.S.C.O.

David D’ALESSANDRO invites you to discover his latest creations at this exclusive exhibition in Monaco, under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.

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Rugby - "Sainte Dévote Tournament"

From Friday 19 to Saturday 20 April 2024, Stade Louis II

The Sainte Dévote Tournament was created in 2009 following an exchange between the Monegasque Rugby Federation and the Rugby Club Lucciana, in Corsica. Sainte Dévote has always linked the Principality to the "Ile de Beauté": she is the patron saint of Monaco, but also that of Corsica. 2024 is the 12th edition of the Sainte Dévote Tournament organized in partnership with the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation.

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Turkish Airlines EuroLeague - "AS Monaco - FC Bayern Munich"

Giovedì 11 aprile 2024, Salle Gaston Médecin

Turkish Airlines EuroLeague di Basket: AS Monaco Roca Team - FC Bayern Munich

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Exposition - "Lascaux à Monaco"

Da venerdì 19 aprile a giovedì 21 novembre 2024 - Museo di Antropologia preistorica

Une scénographie originale organisée autour de fac-similés et d’une expérience immersive en Réalité Virtuelle grâce à la #SPL LASCAUX

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Frank Pé présente son nouvel album "La Bête, tome 2"

Venerdì 12 aprile 2024 dalle 17:00 a 19:00 - Médiathèque de Monaco - Bibliothèque Louis Notari

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"Chico et Rita" de Fernando Trueba et Javier Mariscal

Mercoledì 17 aprile 2024 dalle 18:30 a 20:30 - Médiathèque de Monaco - Bibliothèque Louis Notari

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Des yeux tendres

Lunedì 29 aprile 2024 dalle 19:00 a 21:00 - Médiathèque de Monaco - Bibliothèque Louis Notari

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Giovedì 18 aprile 2024 dalle 19:00 a 22:00

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Comprendre la législation fiscale monégasque

Martedì 16 aprile 2024 alle 18:30 - Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM)

La Jeune Chambre Économique de Monaco (JCEM) a le grand plaisir de vous convier à son : Cycle de formation de Création d’Entreprise

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ASM Kids Tour - SC-Mouans-Sartoux

Mercoledì 17 aprile 2024 - SC-Mouans-Sartoux

La caravane Rouge & Blanche fera une halte à Mouans-Sartoux ce mercredi 17 avril, à l'occasion de sa 27ème étape de la saison

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ASM Kids Tour - Parvis Stade Louis-II / ASM vs LOSC

Mercoledì 24 aprile 2024 - Stade Louis II

La caravane Rouge & Blanche fera une halte à domicile sur le parvis du Stade Louis II ce mercredi 24 avril, à l'occasion de sa 28ème étape de la saison

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Venerdì 19 aprile 2024 dalle 20:00 a 22:00 - La Chiesa di Santa Devota

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Domenica 28 aprile 2024 dalle 17:30 a 18:15 - La Chiesa di Saint-Charles

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Festival des Etoilés Monte-Carlo - "Un menu Alain Ducasse x Simon Rogan"

Samedi 20 avril 2024, Le Louis XV – Alain Ducasse à l’Hôtel de Paris

Festival des Etoilés Monte-Carlo 2024 - Emmanuel Pilon et Simon Rogan, respectivement Chef du restaurant Le Louis XV – Alain Ducasse, Hôtel de Paris à Monte-Carlo et Chef de L’Enclume au Royaume-Uni vous proposent un déjeuner et diner d’exception en présence d’Alain Ducasse. Les deux Chefs partagent la même passion pour la cuisine du terroir et les bons produits. Dégustez leur menu dégustation en 6 temps !

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Ligue 1 Uber Eats - "AS Monaco - Lille"

Domenica 14 aprile 2024, Stadio Louis II

Campionato di Francia di calcio- Ligue 1 : AS Monaco - Lille

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Ateliers pédagogiques au Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco

Da venerdì 26 a martedì 30 aprile 2024, dalle 14:00 a 15:30 - Museo di Antropologia preistorica

Pendant les vacances, venez explorer nos deux animations spéciales, conçues pour éveiller votre curiosité et vous plonger dans le passé !

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